Saturday, October 3, 2009

Greed is still good then

According to the Productivity Commission there should be no direct interference with the setting of Executive pay - and lots of waffle around some new rules associated with the behaviour of corporations and directors and their boards - and blah blah blah.

You can read the draft report here. But really I wouldn't bother - it's just bureaucratic doublespeak.

The thing that I don't get is why.

Why is it that the administrative and clerical and technical and professional workers - those people who actually make the enterprise work - are constrained by awards and salary caps and limits and restrictions on what they can earn - but executive workers have no such constraints?

Why do employees below a certain class have *rules* associated with how much they can earn - but those above a certain class have no such rules?

Why is it that the *so called* executive class have the ability to take what they want - in terms of remuneration but the rest of us have to accept what is awarded by the industrial relations regime that determines what we can earn?

Why was there such a fuss about WorkChoices?

Why do Australian workers tolerate this inequality?

Why is there no revolution?


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