A side benefit of this knowledge will be the ability to judge which of the various political parties are doing anything to manage these risks for their constituents.
And when voters (a) understand the risks and (b) work out which politicians are doing something about them - they will surely need to take account of that when next they vote.
There are many places where you can find reliable information but a good starting point is wikipedia.

This image from wikipedia shows the instrumental record of global average temperatures as compiled by the NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
Even blind freddy can work out that something has been going on - and the climate scientists call it "Global Warming".

This image from wikipedia shows eight climate model predictions for global warming under the A2 scenario relative to global average temperatures in 2000.
Even the most innumerate amongst us should recognise a problem here.

And finally, this image shows the impact on Australia as assessed by the Garnaut review. Click the image to read.
So what about this is hard to understand?
It's not like Bernie Madoff is producing the data.
And finally a smallish question to ponder.
"Why do you think it is that your local newspaper, your local commercial radio stations and television channels and other so-called mainstream media have not been informing you about these things"?
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