Monday, August 2, 2010

This Labor Campaign is BS

Every time the monk gets his face in front of a camera he talks about Government "Debt" and "Waste" and "Bad Management" and other confected pap - all designed to sow a seed with Joe the voter that Labor can't manage the economy.

And what does Julia say about that - Nothing, Nada, SFA, Nil, Bugger all! Just plain dumb.

Hello - is anyone home and awake at Labor Campaign HQ? This is killing you. If you are unable to develop and articulate a cohesive story around how Labor managed the nation through the Global Financial Crisis then you deserve to lose this election.

And it looks like that is what is going to happen.

I just can't believe how incompetent this Labor campaign is. Now it might be difficult with the miners, the Murdoch press and every other half arsed multi-millionaire against you but you have done some good things - how about talking about them and giving Joe and Co. a reason to vote for you?

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