Monday, November 15, 2010

Immigration Scam

Finally Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has got his act together and *fixed* one of the worst immigration scams that was perfected under the Howard government.

"The existing points test has not always led to outcomes consistent with the objectives of the skilled migration program." Mr Bowen said.

"For example, the current test puts an overseas student with a short term vocational qualification and one year’s work experience in Australia ahead of a Harvard educated environmental engineer with three years relevant work experience."

"The new points test will ensure we select the best and brightest people from a large pool of potential migrants."

The previous system was a smokescreen - designed to enrich at least three conservative constituencies.

Firstly, the not quite tertiary education colleges who were making money hand over fist from migrants who were here to gain residency - with an education being a secondary consideration.

Secondly, the real estate industry who were using this large inflow of tenants to sell us all on a manufactured property *growth* story in our mainland capitals - but particularly Melbourne.

Thirdly, the fast food and convenience store industry and other casual employers who were hiring these people on very low and sometimes quite illegal rates.

This immigration scam was a way to satisfy all three and keep everyone voting conservative. You could view it as a prototype for what was to become WorkChoices.

Isn't free enterprise a marvellous thing - especially when you have a nice little scam managed for you by the government? The amazing thing is how it went unreported for so long - clearly our media have lost the ability to inquire and expose. What a surprise?

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