Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 Road Toll

So here we are again near the middle of the holiday season - and the State Governments are doing it again. Blowing their horns about how "speed kills" and "alcohol is evil".

Their bad habits die hard.

But how would we know if what they say is true? Because they won't publish the evidence and allow third party analysis and validation of the data. Mainly because they don't actually collect the data - forget any real analysis. It's all back of the envelope stuff by junior staffers seeking votes or revenue.

Forgive my cynicism but how can we know that State Governments are on the right track with their road safety programs when they won't publish the data and/or their analysis of it?

Are we supposed to just *trust them*? Sure. I wrote this on 1st January this year - and nothing much has changed since. Except lots of hand wringing and wasted column inches.

While ever the state bureaucrats and their masters continue to obfuscate and feather their comfortable nests in response to this serious problem then someone like me will continue to talk and write about their hypocrisy.

Because the real problem is that State Governments have under-invested in their road infrastructure, network and services for decades and if anyone ever found out then a substantial *class action* would be the result.

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