Saturday, January 15, 2011

Decline of the Empire

I think 2011 is going to be the year that the USA implodes.

In the way that the Berlin Wall came down in late 1989, the US will likely implode due to people power sometime later this year. I predict this because I have been looking at and listening to their citizens express an opinion - like those on Fox News and in the Tea Party. Apparently these folks think that they represent the *nation*. This is a huge embarrassment - even if it isn't true.

If they actually were stupid enough to start another war then they would probably be decimated - but the dingbats think that a new war would rejuvenate their economy. They have convinced themselves that wars are good for them.

Wars used to be good for them back around 1942 when they created jobs and employed millions of tradespersons but these days the hardware already exists and all it needs is a button push to launch. Besides haven't they run out of cannon fodder yet? Perhaps they will let a few more Mexicans in to help ;-)

The main problem is that the people of the US and their obtuse opinions are *very* divorced from reality. Mostly they have no clue about what goes on outside their borders. They have become so insular and inward looking that they think the *war* option is feasible.

Who will they invade next? Iran or North Korea? Canada? Mexico? DC?

The real problem is that the previous President - the junior Bush so mismanaged their economy during his dim-witted 8 years that it will probably take another 25 years to recover. And the incumbent President Obama wants to be seen as a *nice guy* - he hasn't yet worked out what the game is. He needs to grow a pair and start talking tough. And kick a few Republican heads - hard.

And delivering with some jobs. He needs to generate lots of jobs because with 10% unemployment - the US bogan class will have plenty of time to sit at home watching Fox News, drinking Bud and working out how to start another war. And buying more guns to protect themselves - from each other ;-)

So build some infrastructure, upgrade your roads, build some schools and libraries, and invest in your health system.

Oops I just realised that your debt is so out of control and you can't afford to do that - courtesy of Junior Bush's profligate ways - so you will need to find another path.

Or just let it implode.

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