Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rudd was Right

I don't know what our government is up to with asylum seekers. Back in 2006, when in opposition the current Minister Chris Bowen said this about "Coalition attempts to excise Australian mainland from migration zone".

And now he has been caught out trying to do exactly the same thing. What a major "stuff-up" the Malaysian solution has become.

There are three possibilities.

Perhaps he thinks we are all fools and won't notice his volte face. Or this is his feeble little attempt to "wedge" the Opposition. Or the Department is actually running Immigration Policy and the Minister is quite superfluous.

In either case it’s no way to run our nation. There are quite a few disturbing questions about this little debacle - here are three.

Firstly, what about the quality of the Cabinet processes that would allow this to happen?

Secondly, what about the individual Ministers - do they not see a problem? Are there no wise old heads in Cabinet?

Thirdly, what about the big and important issues facing the nation? Are we dealing with them in a similar way?

The reason it's turned out like this is because they are just doing what politicians always do - chase votes and tell lies.

If this is indicative of the way the Cabinet behaves then I can understand why Rudd kept them in the dark and fed them BS when he was Prime Minister.

Because they simply aren't capable of anything else.

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