I won't get into the details here but 40 odd years of pisant, populist politics has so fcuked this place that there is just zero possibility for us to get back into the main game. Most of the rest of the region has already bypassed us and those countries that haven't will probably do so in the next decade.
You won't like them but here are just some of my gripes.
* Our national industry policy appears to have been developed by a kindergarten class out in the burbs of Canberra. Because there is zero recognition of the need to resource, build and develop any smart industries that employ people - or which add any value.
* We have all been encouraged to think that the path to happiness and wealth is by owning a double priced McMansion in suburbia. And we encourage every high-school dropout to spend their life's work - jerry building them. What an enormous waste.
* We won't put our effort into a small business - because we know it will be trampled by a monopolist big business - so our investments are all around buying and selling real estate. All supported by the biggest tax scam in history - "negative gearing".
* Australian's who earn real money - work at digging holes and shipping dirt overseas. They fly-in and they fly-out and think they are the new upper class. Our entire national infrastructure is dedicated to supporting their day jobs.
* As a result almost no-one these days has been educated beyond high-school - or if they have then it's a lightweight little degree that was on special somewhere - or found under the flap of a weet-bix packet.
* The Reserve Bank's main job is to keep the housing bubble inflated - and if Uncle Glenn ever took his eye off the ball - then our "national wealth" would disappear down the plughole faster than a Collins Class submarine in "dive mode".
* The Government's main job is to distribute our hand-outs and to help us to acquire McMansions - it's all become a bit of a circular argument really.
* Our real thinking and design and science and engineering jobs disappeared years ago - as conservative politicians’ fcuked with the education system and did their best to ensure that Australian graduates were replaced with cheap 457 visa holders.
* And we acquire large imported 4wd's because we think they enhance our *status*. You probably don't want to hear what I think.
* Our entire population is obese and unhealthy. Because we are so poorly educated that we can't tell the difference between salt, sugar and essential vitamins and nourishment.
* We demonise asylum seekers who approach our shores seeking our protection. And then we send them off to detention hell for 5 years before allowing them to come back and join us at the pub or the footy.
* We have been conned into allowing expensive monopolies across all the touch points of our life. If it's not a government agency screwing us - then it is usually a bank or a supermarket or a retailer or a utility giving us the finger.
* About one eighth of our people live below the poverty line - but that is OK because they are too poor to be of any value to our political or media classes - so no-one gets to hear much about them.
* And BTW, our media is also fcuked. Mostly our so-called journalists can't work out how they lost their influence - and so they have reverted to even more outrageous and made-up faux BS each day. Seriously, have you watched morning television recently?
* That our federal government values a budget "surplus" above funding "research" tells you a bit about their priorities.
* And our state governments are all about creating jobs for life - for their political class. Some of whom spend an entire lifetime on the seat while sucking at the teat.
* And speaking of politics - we have two opposing federal political leaders who have zero international experience - but who we allow to start wars overseas in our name - and who send our troops into harms way at the whim of every half-arsed US President.
* Our political class are so in love with the US that they pledged eternal loyalty years ago - without bothering to tell us. And now we can't escape that deadly embrace.
I am so outa here - and I am looking for your inputs to help me decide where I should go.
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