Tuesday, April 6, 2010

65% of Australians have Alzheimer’s

Today, Possum released his analysis of this week's Essential Report. And amongst other questions is this one:

"Do you think the Federal Labor Government is too tough or too soft on asylum seekers or is it taking the right approach?"

Apparently 65% of my fellow Australians think the Federal Government is being too soft.

And 6% thought it too tough, 18% thought it was taking the right approach and 11% just don't know.

There is something weird, unhappy and disturbing when a majority of the people of a nation that was built by immigrants - including asylum seekers from previous global conflicts - take the view that their government is being too soft on the current crop of escapees from global conflict.

This is one of those viewpoints that some Australians have that makes me feel ashamed of my nationality.

I'll bet that the 65% are proud of their response - and I could probably write a short profile paragraph on each of them. It would start with their lack of education, knowledge and compassion and end with their bigotry and ignorance. The really scary thing is that they are probably already reproducing.

They either have Alzheimer’s and their short term memory is shot - or they have a pig ignorant view of this issue that has been formed by listening to the distorted opinions of the naysayers who are masquerading as an opposition.

Just another reason why Julia needs to speed up her education revolution.

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