Thursday, October 14, 2010

Here We Go - Again

Looks like we are now doing to the Tertiary Education sector what we did to the IT sector a decade ago.

What is that I hear you asking? Stuffing it royally - is my answer.

The Tertiary Education sector has been living in a fool’s paradise for a while now - especially given that they have been trading their Mickey Mouse degrees for residency to opportunistic fee paying overseas students - all courtesy of Little Johnny and the Liberals.

Free enterprise is a wonderful thing - especially if you have a nice little scam like residency to use as a carrot ;-)

Dumb commerce if you ask me - it was always going to end in tears. And the chickens have now come home to roost.

And so the "once vibrant" Tertiary Education sector is now in serial decline - perhaps they can take the opportunity to get back to their core business of "educating Australian's". Or perhaps not.

If this was the manufacturing industry there would be hand wringing all over the place - closely followed by millions of dollars in *special assistance* packages.

But because it involves a "services industry" - especially one that is not valued by our politicians - it will be left to fend for itself.

Good luck people - sadly you are in the wrong Country - at the wrong time.

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