Saturday, June 4, 2011


This report shocked me. But it is very clear to most of us - why it is happening.

The fear mongering and lies of the Coalition and News Limited were designed to have this exact effect.

Mr Abbott and his coalition cronies and his supporters in the media knew that when they started their lowest common denominator pursuit of the bogan and continued with their denial of the science of climate change that their actions would encourage extreme behaviour in some people. Especially people who are not adequately educated or informed.

This is what their winning strategy is all about - scare those people shitless - so they become extreme and say and do the most outrageous things. And the coalition will apparently then sneak back into power on the back of all the associated chaos and confusion.

Now those scared people are doing just what was expected and predicted. All you have to do is read the letters to the editor and the inarticulate comments on science blogs and hear the outrage on talk back radio - to understand the effect. And now apparently the people engaged in the actual science are getting death threats.

This shows Australians at their worst and it's a friggin disgrace.

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