Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Crikey today - "The view that climate change is real and human-caused has softened since May. Just 50% of voters believe it is happening and is caused by humans, while 39% believe climate change is just a normal fluctuation in the climate.

Liberal voters are much more likely to NOT believe in human-caused climate change - 55% of them think it is purely natural and only 34% think humans cause it, while 83% of Green voters and 64% of Labor voters think it is caused by humans."

Scary stuff. Which is probably why "The Conversation" is on the case.

Those spoilers like Minchin must be laughing their t*ts off. For a couple of years now Monsignori Abbott and the rest of the right wing rabble in the Liberal party have been railing against "Climate Change". Denial is their personal little *in* joke that keeps them fronting up each day and giggling during question time. Here is their man debating with himself - if he is this confused about it then imagine how bad it is for their rusted ons?

And that's the thing. These politicians know that many of their supporters don't get it and aren't smart enough to get it - and so they play them. For fools.

Rusted on's - it's simple, you have been played. And that wouldn't bother me too much - if was just you who was impacted - but the unfortunate thing is that your stupidity is affecting me - and I don't like that very much.

It’s quite OK to have an opinion but if you don't know anything about the subject then you have two choices - either inform yourself or shut the f*ck up.

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