Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Clive Hamilton is brave enough to tell the truth here.

"Opposition leader Tony Abbott is not foolish enough to attack scientists directly but his dog-whistling can be heard by all but the deafest. He has signalled clearly to the hard-line climate deniers that he is one of them".

And some of you lot want him to become even think he is capable of becoming Prime Minister? Jesus.

And it looks to me as though the dimwits who are making the threats are even using the bovver boys' very own language. What must Cardinal Pell be thinking?

I tell youse - those bluddy communists - they must be stopped - GEDDIT ;-)

The really sad thing about *dumb* is that there is far too much of it. But the really good thing about *dumb* is there is less of it than there used to be.

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