Been reading "Looking for the Light on the Hill" by Troy Bramston. This is one of a dozen or so books that sit in my Kindle queue until I have *some* time to read them ;-)
And it provides a good assessment of what is wrong with the Labor party and the current Government. I won't get into the details but Troy seems to have understood the issues rather well. You could argue with some of it - but in my view he has captured the essence of the problem. And he has offered up solutions that deal with them. None of it is rocket science - or difficult to understand - or even difficult to implement.
I am a bit behind with my reading - I think it was released late last year - so there is no excuse for Labor MP's to be still doing many of the dumb things that he has identified. But unbelievably they are.
It seems clear that the real problem is "Compound Ignorance" - which is what you are labelled when "you don't know that you don't know".
The best way to fix this particular problem is to spend a decade or more in Opposition - teaching your MP's how to be effective leaders and communicators while learning what it means to represent the people and the nation.
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