I had a bit of a go at our crappy Australian media this morning. But no-one seemed to notice. How unusual ;-)
Basically what I was saying is that our mainstream media create fake situations of conflict and outrage - all designed to capture a few dozen extra bogan eyeballs.
Last night's QandA and this morning's newspapers prove it. Apparently actual factual news doesn't rate these days. Which is why our media create these fake situations.
Unfortunately there are people in our community who are easily distracted by shiny fake stuff on radio and TV and in the newspapers. And they fall over themselves to consume it. Our mainstream media exploit these unfortunate folk - who are mostly *low information voters*.
Many of them think that QandA is democracy in action. If you don't know why it isn't then you should turn the page now.
And if you were a corporate advertiser then would you be interested in someone dishing bogan eyeballs up to your ads - and charging you bucketloads for the privilege? If so then your business model needs to be re-visited because It's become the equivalent of the pokies - designed to exploit the vulnerable.
Unless of course if your business model is already a bit suss. In which case the regulators should close you down and lock you up. As if.
And why is the ABC playing this game? They are funded by the state - why do they need to manufacture fake conflict and outrage. Can someone please ask Tony Jones.
Oh I see - they need to demonstrate that they are as *cool* and as *smart* as their cousins in the Murdoch and Fairfax media - so they play the same bogan game - because they might be looking for a job at Channel 10 one day.
Memo to Mark Scott: Fire them - you don't need them and they are making you look like a dope.
The truth is that it would be much better for our health to just turn it all off.
And if enough of us did that then the quality of the content would improve overnight as they tried to re-capture an actual audience.
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