Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Secret Weapon

I inadvertently let the cat out of the bag recently - when I suggested that Tony Abbott was "on the nose" with women voters - and someone asked me where the public polling was that showed that to be the case.

As far as I know there isn't any - but there is extensive internal polling by the major political parties that shows this to be the case.

Both major parties know that Tony has a serious problem with women voters. Or more correctly, women voters have a serious problem with Tony. Or at least they did when he was Tony Abbott - Member for Warringah - and displaying his previous persona.

Now that he has donned the disguise and his new caring persona and commitment to maternity leave things might change - but I am guessing not - the women of Australia are not that fickle - are they?

Anyway this is a "secret weapon" as we head into the election cycle - and no-one will be concerned that I have leaked it here - because as we all know - no-one reads this blog.

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