Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Memory Loss

The main thing that Kevin has forgotten - is how to communicate with the people.

He has made some big changes over the past few weeks - but what he hasn't done is sit down in front of a camera to explain to the people of the nation - why. He needs to.

Why he has deferred the CPRS? And why he isn't proceeding with the bulk of the recommendations of the Henry tax review? Why he has taken over the hospitals? And why he has introduced a big tobacco tax increase? And why he wants a new resources tax?

Those Australian's who are more engaged with MasterChef than politics need to hear what the government is up to - and preferably straight from the horse's mouth.

He also needs to reset expectations and tell the people what his new agenda is. It's fair enough that things change during the course of a parliamentary term - but let’s hear about it. And let’s hear about his plans for the future.

What does he intend with the CPRS? And how will he deal with a recalcitrant opposition and independents in the Senate? Why hasn't he used the opportunity of a double dissolution to clean out the rabble in the Senate and get his legislation through?

What is wrong with a bit of courage and risk taking?

The last thing we want is for Kevin to become Billy McMahon mark II - I would prefer that he become Paul Keating mark II.

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