The total lack of any rational and long term thinking going on with 50% of our voting population simply astounds me. Actually it shouldn't because I have seen them present themselves at polling booths - it isn't pretty ;-)
Whatever their political allegiances you would have thought that our population would have some thought and concern for the environment, the nation and their own families.
Apparently not - because the polls show about 50% of our voting population are intending to support "The Coalition" at the next election.
This mob that they are supporting are in denial about climate change and intend to keep letting the big polluters emit as much CO2 as they want - no problem. According to the mad monk "climate change is crap" - his senate leader Nick Minchin says it is a plot to "de-industrialise the west". And these people are in the parliament?
So if you are a coalition voter you obviously don't believe in climate change and won't be interested in doing anything about it.
The miners are running a big campaign against the super profits tax and The Coalition are supporting them. It could even be a real issue if the miners actually employed people but they employ about 1% of our workforce. And then we discover that Australia's richest man - billionaire "Twiggy Forrest" is a miner - but 7 years ago he was just another opportunist walking the streets of Perth looking for a "get rich quick" deal. How many billions, Virginia have you made in the past 7 years?
But apparently if you are a coalition voter then you will be happy to let the miners keep shafting the rest of us while they dig up our national wealth and ship it off to China - no problem.
And the monk wants to resurrect WorkChoices and expand the reach of the 457 Visa. You remember these nasty little gems - all designed to put the maximum pressure on Australian workers while driving down their wages and removing their conditions. This campaign is underway already by the monk's mates in big business who are running around yelling "skills shortage". Snake oil salesmen the lot of them.
I suppose if you are a coalition voter then you won't have children or grandchildren who will be looking for a start in the jobs market - with reasonable pay and conditions anytime soon.
I could go on but you get the picture.
About 50% of our voters seem unable to connect the dots. They must know that a vote for "The Coalition" will be a vote against the environment, a vote against our national interest and a vote against the interests of their children.
But hey logic and facts and evidence don't seem to play much of a part in the thinking of these people - so they shouldn't be disappointed when their sweet little coalition actually turns out to be a rabid dog.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
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