Monday, May 24, 2010

Right Wing Media

Here's the real problem. The 80/20 rule applies just about everywhere. It definitely applies to our voting population when any issue of substance arises and these folks are required to do some real thinking. And by that I mean that 80% of them are too stupid to work it all out in a way that gives the rest of us any confidence that they have a grasp of the issues.

How else to interpret today's Essential Report?

In response to this question.

"And which of the following would you say has been the main reason for your view of Kevin Rudd and the Labor Government becoming less favourable in recent weeks?"

Here is my cherry picked response.

Too much spending - 15%
Too soft on asylum seekers - 15%
Problems with insulation and school building programme - 13%
The 40% tax on mining companies - 12%

Jesus - all of these things are the main talking points of the "right wing media" and they are ALL confected. Not one of these is a real issue that the government should be criticized for. Every one of these issues has been "manufactured" by Rupert's media - because it doesn't like the government actions and response.

Since when did we elect News Ltd to run the place?

It just goes to show how BS baffles brains - or in this case how BS confuses half wits.

I don't like what Rupert and his cronies are up to - and if they manage to get the monk over the line then I will move elsewhere. And you lot will still be stuck with him in a couple of decades time - because "big business" usually gets what it wants from a compliant little coalition.

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