Friday, October 15, 2010


Yesterday I had a bit of a rant about the North Sydney "Liberal" MP Joe Hockey and how he told some enormous porkies AND got a swing TO him at the recent election.

I suspect that there are a couple of reasons for this. Many of us expect our politicians to lie and we are so conditioned by this that we have stopped listening to them. Unfortunately when it comes time to apply the pencil to the ballot paper we don't know what they stand for and so we revert to what our parents did - and many of us vote Liberal. Sad but true.

This theory explains why most Liberal voters don't seem to have noticed that the "Liberal Party" candidates are no longer "Liberals".

But a bigger issue for me is that if these "Liberals" are quite happy to tell big lies to their constituents then what about the other important people in their lives?

Do they lie to the wife and kids? Mum and dad? How about their friends and neighbours? The Tax man? The various welfare agencies? About their Parliamentary expenses? Did they lie during their education and did they end up with qualifications they don't deserve? Did they lie to their previous employers? Is their CV real?

I dunno - but it seems likely that if they are so disrespectful of their constituents - then a few small lies to friends and family would be nothing to worry about - right?

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