Wednesday, October 13, 2010


1. A person without curiosity - someone who isn't able to think for themselves.

2. A reader of "The Australian" aka "Fox News in Print" - someone who is captive to the Murdoch echo chamber and who thinks that "Climate Change" and "Mining Taxes" and "Broadband Networks" and "National Water Policy" are socialism in disguise - and the work of the devil.

3. Someone who thinks that the mining entrepreneurs and their fellow travellers have the long term interests of the nation at heart without realising they have been duped by the multi millionaires whose intent is to steal wealth from the nation.

4. A large subset of current "Liberal Party" MP's - someone who allows an angry little right wing bully and his slow thinking cronies to take control of the Liberal Party and to run around like a bull in a china shop - all without a thought for their own constituents.

5. A larger subset of current "National Party" MP's - someone who blindly follows along behind the "Liberal Party" MP's identified above - usually a couple of paces behind - while mumbling incoherently about "Great Big New Taxes" and "Stealing My Water".

And so on.

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