Monday, October 18, 2010


My previous post got me thinking a bit - a very unusual event I know ;-)

For a couple of decades now the "Liberals" have been moving further and further toward the *right* and further and further away from the philosophy that Menzies established when he created the "Liberal Party" - after the second world war.

I mean it was called "Liberal" for a reason Virginia.

Quite simply the *Conservatives*, the *Tories*, the *right wingers* and the *numbnuts* have taken over - the party has become a loose amalgam of everyone with a barrow to push - all masquerading as "Liberals".

For evidence I present Exhibit A - Tony Abbott. And Exhibit B is Eric Abetz ;-)

This tells us a few things about the "Liberals" post Menzies - they clearly didn't have the strength of leadership, character or commitment to fend off the takeover. So they let the *Conservatives* run the place but they didn't bother to tell their constituents or to change their name.

Now fast forward a decade or two and some of the rest of us have finally woken up and noticed that - "Liberals ain't Liberals". So what to do about it?

Well, as Andrew Leigh has pointed out in his maiden speech - Menzies "liberal" philosophy is now owned by the Labor Party. Pretty soon there will be no-where left for the small-L liberals to go - even if they do grow a pair and take on the usurpers.

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