Sunday, March 20, 2011

And another thing

The ABC and its *so called* balance will cause major grief for the nation and for its people.

Aside from providing a very poor example to young impressionable Australian's it won't do what it is supposed to do and get the conservatives off their back.

We need positive role models for young people in this country. Our future generations need to believe that public broadcasting is a trusted information and news source - not just another commercial network exploiting their audience for $'s.

The young need to be assured that publicly funded radio and television will tell them the truth - and not deliver the lies and bias that has so infected our commercial media and the corporate world.

Who else will stand up for truth and facts if not our public media? What is their purpose if they won't do it? And why would we need a public media at all if all they do is mimic their commercial cousins? Serious questions.

The real reason that the ABC has adopted their concept of "balance" is because they fear the conservatives. They know that Rupert's plan is to dismantle public broadcasting everywhere - and the conservatives masquerading as Liberals will be the mechanism by which he does it in this country. Monsignori Abbott will start by removing funding and selling off services until all that is left of the ABC is a bureaucrat chasing retirement and a small lame dog.

Now I do understand that no-one else wants this to happen - least of all the ABC staff and board. But you will not stop it from happening with *appeasement*. It doesn't matter how many times the ABC invites Andrew Bolt and Janet Albrechtsen on to its programs - it will not change the conservative's plan.

So might I suggest another approach - one that understands and recognises your role and one that also understands that there are forces aligned against you that will continue until they win - or they die? And if you can outlast Rupert then you will have a good chance of staying in the game. Shouldn't be too hard - he's 80.

For anyone who is interested - checkout what is happening to NPR in the USA. Same story.

But appeasement won't work - what it will do is alienate your audience - the very people you are here to serve. And it will embolden the enemy.

The choice is simple - deliver a quality and truthful and factual and low bias information service - or roll over and let Rupert rape you.

PS - another view of the same problem - here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe this is the strategy straight from the boardroom, as according to Wikipedia,

Mark Walter Scott (born 9 October 1962) is the current Managing Director of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.[1] He took up his position in July 2006, having previously been the Editorial Director at John Fairfax, responsible for the editorial content of the group's major newspapers including The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Sun-Herald and The Sunday Age. He worked for the NSW Greiner Liberal Party Government, as chief of staff to the Education Minister, Virginia Chadwick and as a senior adviser to education minister, Terry Metherell.[2]

Wonder if Mark Scott remembers this speech from 2009?

You don't become a small 'l' liberal overnight. It really is a case of Rupert has a little lamb - and his empire is anything but declining!