I am sorry people, but this is not a debate about whether Climate Change exists or not. Tony Abbott and Nick Minchin and the rest of the Liberal Party know that it exists and know that it is a result of human activity and they have known that for at least 15 years - possibly longer.
They will tell you something different because incredibly they think they can lie to you and you won't notice and they think it will give them political advantage. Doh!
Naomi Oreskes, co-author of the book "Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming", describes how a small group of retired cold-war nuclear physicists, who through their weapons work had become well-connected, well-known and influential people, promoted the idea of *doubt* in several areas of US public debate.
According to Oreskes, they did this, "not for money, but in defence of an ideology of laissez-faire governance and opposition to government regulation".
And that dear friend is what Climate Change denial is all about. You may find this hard to believe but it's all about stopping any Government action - all so their mates in big business can continue to rape and pillage the place for as long as possible.
The Australian conservatives are just following along in the shadows of their ultra right wing cousins in the USA. The US is where all this *nonsense* comes from. It has its roots in part in the religious right *industry* that dates back to the 1930's. Which probably explains why Cardinal Pell and the Catholics are on the denial bandwagon.
It says something about our conservative politicians that they aren't smart enough to create their own ideology - they must import an ugly one from the USA.
And what is worse is that every time one of our Prime Minister's gets on the bus to head over there - to get their head patted for doing a great job, it emboldens the far right - who think we are encouraging them.
At least the conservatives in Europe and elsewhere have done most of their own thinking and have come up with their own ideology - which I might add is much more subtle and sophisticated than what the USA and AU have been lumbered with.
If Monsignori Abbott and Co really wanted to impose a right wing ideology then they should go spend a year or two in Italy or France to learn how it is really done.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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