Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Speechless - with every good wish

You know for a worn out old bloke I have tried to live my life mostly based on facts and truth and science. I am rendered *speechless* by the following two stories.

1. What on earth is Cardinal Pell doing promoting the "dog bone" nonsense that is featured in Ian Plimers’ book "Heaven and Earth"? This is the most complete collection of crap that ever consumed printer's ink. And now we have the most senior Catholic in the country pushing it onto our Parliament. Wasn't there something important about the separation of church and state? No wonder Monsignori Abbott is so ratty if Cardinal Pell is his mentor ;-) Someone should call the Pope - or the police.


2. On February 19th this year the Republican Party in the US voted to *defund* the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This is not a drill folks - the dingbats in the Republican Party don't want to hear any more bad news about the climate - so they have shut down the messenger. Jesus - how on earth do these people ever get into the parliament?

I am just *speechless*.

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