Saturday, October 3, 2009

Numbnut biscuits

There was a time - aeons ago now - when the Liberals had a smidgeon of credibility and were sometimes seen as a potentialy capable government.

That was when little Johnny was masquerading as leader ;-)

There were some players on the *blue* side of the house who even managed to regularly say a few smart words and demonstrate some level of credibility on a range of important topics.

Not any more - the numbnuts are now in charge at the funny farm.

Poor Malcolm must be cacking himself and wondering if he joined the right party.

Roswell and Wilsdom and Corbardi and the rest of the biscuits in the packet must give him and the smart Liberals nightmares.

If the party is incapable of controlling the dipsticks, the stupids and the opportunists then it has no chance of ever regaining the Treasury benches.

Thank goodness.

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