They seem to like it (his proposal) but are concerned that it comes from Joe. Because Joe and his friends are members of the political party that has
Find me a sizeable business that is actually looking out for their customers - as opposed to their shareholders and executives? There simply isn’t one Virginia - that's the sad truth.
And if you are so out of touch that you don't know that then you should turn the page now.
Because friends, the Coalition exists to run cover for big business and the rent seekers and vested interests in the corporate world - that is their job. They don't give a rats about small business or our citizens - because we don't *donate* enough folding stuff. And all they have to do is bribe us every three years to get what they want anyway.
* Mining taxes - no way lets be rid of them.
* Concentration of Media ownership - no problem we'll let Rupert and Co. do as they like.
* Climate Change - nothing to worry about there - let the big emitters continue to crap on the nation.
* Boat people - yes they are the bad guys - but we'll let you buy residency with a Mickey Mouse little degree.
* War Mongering - sure thing - where else can we start one?
So why do you think that Joe is trying to *neuter* the banks?
Well he isn’t - this is just another Coalition scam - like the ones that they introduced prior to the last election. Remember them - and Joe's attempt to buy some credibility by telling us their "costings" had been audited? And remember how it was all BS? Same old thing folks.
That's the thing about the Coalition - they lie through their teeth and then they think that we will have forgotten it all 5 minutes later - sorry but I haven't.
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