Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Elephant in the room

The big issue of the month/decade/year is Wikileaks and Julian Assange and today we have a letter to the Prime Minister signed by 200 prominent Australians and presented at "The Drum" - here.

The letter was signed by 200 citizens and at last count there were 1488 2016 2093 2295 comments in support - but the last number is clearly wrong - because it seems the ABC infrastructure is unable to cope with demand - which is huge. There are probably many thousands of comments in support. Check back regularly to see the final total - assuming the ABC can get its act together.

And many comments are from people who are *pissed off* that our Prime Minister is being puppeted by the USA. What on earth is PM Gillard doing by supporting a big rabid right wing bully who is picking on an Australian? I dunno.

And clearly many other Australian's don't like it either.

Not that it seems to bother our Prime Minister - who is planning to meet with *Oprah* this week for a "nice little chat" for christ sake.

So our PM can't be bothered to support and defend an Australian citizen who is being picked on and badgered by the US but is quite happy to appear on television with a US "celebrity".

This is a friggin disgrace.

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