Friday, April 8, 2011

2000 Revisited

Some of you - the ones who were paying attention at least - will know how the Republicans *stole* the 2000 Presidential election and installed their retard candidate - George W Bush as POTUS.

And how during his 8 years in the White House - he managed to destroy the US economy, start two disastrous wars, become the poster child for the right wing authoritarians, and capture our very own Liberal Party.

Now he is retired and living out his life as just another dingbat recluse - while watching Fox News, counting his fortune, looking for his daddy's approval and drinking tea attending tea parties.

But his legacy lives on in Wisconsin where the Republicans have "cooked the books" on another election - because they didn't like the outcome.

All I can say is that it's a good thing the USA exports *Freedom and Democracy* all over the world - because they sure as hell don't have it at home.

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