Sunday, October 28, 2012

What a dilemma?

When you - Mr and Ms Australia - eventually take some time to think about why our polity is so broken - and start to analyse our political personalities and their parties - then I urge you to take a moment to reflect on this.

It was 2001 when George W. Bush sent US troops into Afghanistan and 2003 when he started the Iraq war.  The war in Afghanistan is still going - 11 years later.  President Obama - to his credit - pulled US troops out of Iraq in December 2011 after *only* 8 years of death and destruction.

The next US president will probably start another *rabid right wing* war in the Middle East - this time with Iran.  Or that's what Willard and his mate Bibi say they want to do.

The Iraq war in particular was started under false pretences - three so-called western countries (USA, UK and AUS) working in concert manufactured evidence and ignored facts.  Worse - they sent our young men and women off to fight without any consideration of consequences.

4,805 of them were killed and 32,753 were wounded.  And to date in the Afghanistan adventure 39 young Australian's are also dead.  What a waste.

Clearly our politicians aren't very good at history.

But what's worse is that our current Prime Minister doesn't want to find out why we went to war in Iraq - and what lessons we should learn to stop it from ever happening again.

She thinks that it's best not to investigate - because she knows that it would expose lots of political stupidity - not only that of little Johnny and his cabinet - but also of her current puppet masters in the US.

And we couldn't have that - could we.  Not when our entire Foreign Policy is built on the serious "suck-up".

Fascinating isn't it - she knows that a proper investigation will show Howard and his cabinet (including Hockey and Abbott) up as compliant fools - but she won't risk alienating big brother.  What a dilemma ;-)

Which is why it is so important for all Australian's to support this group.

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