Tuesday, March 29, 2011

RWA's and Double High's

Both Julia and Malcolm - and their staff should read this book. They would gain some valuable insight that could give them both a political advantage - in different ways.

Colleague Tony is featured in it - he is one of the stars but he wouldn't acknowledge that. It's unlikely that he will read it because he already knows about its content. And all those church going politicians feature as well - it's hard to hide now Kevin!

The main question in my mind is this. Is the proportion of Australian RWA's the same as the US - which is in the range 20% to 25% - or could it be even higher?

Either way this book provides the *lightbulb* moment for me regarding our right wing politics. And it even identifies the *predictors* - so with minor questioning and analysis of ANY Australian teenager it will be easy to determine if they are to become another "Right Wing Authoritarian". Very useful stuff.

Read it and weep - and then read it again to find all the little gems that you missed the first time around. But remember that knowledge is power. Once you read this you will have more of both.

And then you will need to do something with it.

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