Friday, March 2, 2012

US Centric Foreign Policy #auspol

OMG - things are so bad with Federal Labor that the "bogan in chief" has to re-cycle ex-premiers to get someone with half a blue clue.

What is that about?

Is there no-one in the Parliament who is good enough to be Foreign Minister?

We have to parachute in an ex-premier who spends his days reading biographies of dead white men who were once US Presidents? And then pontificating about what he has learnt.

Someone who might be competing with *blo-hard* Beasley for the title of most informed Australian person - about the USA.

It's almost as if the US *is the sole* focus of our foreign policy? And Israel of course ;-) Mental note to never forget about the ultra-right wing warmonging client.

Perhaps it is in the eyes of the "BIC" - but that is probably because she has never visited "Europe" or "Asia" or anywhere else that comprises our world.

Or maybe that the *client* is so out of control that President Obama needs all the help he can get to stop the *dickheads* from attacking Iran.

Sad - so sad.

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